“Walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself for us, an offering and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5:2
Stewardship & Giving at St. Paul’s
Stewardship Basics
What does stewardship mean? Giving for ministry at St. Paul’s is about being grateful, responsible stewards of the gifts we receive from God. That is why we often refer to giving for ministry as “stewardship”. As Christians, we believe that giving for ministry through an annual pledge is a spiritual practice that promotes the spread of the Kingdom of God, cares for others, and deepens the connection between God and the giver. Stewardship is the prayerful work of managing our time, talent and treasure to participate in God’s activity on earth. The Episcopal Church sees stewardship as more than simply contributing money to the church; it’s also about contributing time and talents, and volunteering for ministry and mission.
“We believe that giving of ourselves financially grows God’s inclusive and diverse community at St. Paul’s, thus creating an oasis of Christian acceptance for all.” ~ L.K., parishioner
What is a stewardship campaign? For about eight weeks each fall, the leaders of St. Paul’s focus time and energy on reaching out to every member to invite them into our commitment to ministry for the coming year. Leaders invite members to commit financially to ensure that the worship services, outreach ministries, and educational programs continue with appropriate financial support.
What is a pledge, what does it represent, and why is it needed? A pledge is a financial promise, a commitment to this community and to the mission of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. It is a response to God’s call and abundance in our own lives; it is a statement of thanksgiving. You will find that giving generously is a gift to yourself – an act of joy that feels good and feelsright. The aggregate amount of all pledge commitments is used in the budget prepared for the next year as we plan for St. Paul’s ministry, mission, outreach and special projects. An on-line pledge may be entered here: https://bit.ly/stpauls2025
EVERY PLEDGE, EVERY AMOUNT, MATTERS Where you start in your giving or whether you tithe on your annual or gross income is not nearly as important as simply making your first pledge. Every pledge makes a difference, regardless of the amount. Every pledge supports ministry at St. Paul’s in Christ’s name.
Giving FAQs
How much should I pledge? We ask individuals to consider a pledge that is bold but achievable, that is for you a leadership gift. Our standard of giving should reflect our standard of living. We ask each parishioner to consider making a pledge that is both responsible and significant based on their financial situation. At St. Paul’s, every pledge, no matter what amount, makes a valued contribution to our mission and ministry.
What is a Tithe? The tradition of giving back to God and to the church comes from the Biblical practice of “tithing”, which means to give back a tenth of our earnings to God (Numbers 18:26). A tithe is 10% of your income. The Episcopal Church has affirmed the tithe as the minimum standard for giving and encourages its members to tithe or be working toward a tithe. A tithe may sound like an unattainable goal. However, if you start with a certain proportion of your income and increase the percentage each year, you will eventually reach a tithe. The “Proportional Giving” chart below may help.
What are proportional gifts? Some approach giving by setting aside their “first fruits” - that is, dedicating a portion of their wealth, works, and wisdom to God, considering it a sacred act. This proportional gift rises and falls with your income – it is right-sized to your household. Giving back to God is a life-time journey; setting a percentage allows you to step up your giving over time. A helpful chart to demonstrate proportional giving may be downloaded here: proportional_giving_chart.pdf
When should I make my pledge? We ask everyone to make a pledge commitment by November, during the fall Giving Campaign, for the following year. This allows the aggregate of all pledges to be entered in the budget being prepared for the next year. While our annual giving campaign is held in the fall, pledges may be made at any time by completing and submitting a pledge card or pledging online.
How do I turn in my pledge?
Complete the online pledge form (links just below).
Pick-up a pledge card in the church narthex, and drop the completed card in the Sunday collection plate.
Pick-up a pledge card in the church narthex, and mail a completed card to: St Paul’s Episcopal Church, Attn: Stewardship, 2216 17th St., Bakersfield, CA 93301
How and when do I fulfill my pledge commitment? You may pay your pledge with cash, checks, through automatic payments from your bank, using a credit card or automatic fund transfer/electronic fund transfer (EFT) through our on-line Vanco giving portal for one-time and recurring payments. When using Vanco, bank transfers may avoid the expense of processing fees associated with credit card transactions, and ensure all of your pledge amount will go toward our mission. If you wish to use stock, IRA rollovers, a donor advised fund or other sources, please contact our Stewardship team.
Your pledge may be paid weekly, monthly, quarterly or an annual payment –any schedule that works for you. Remember that it must be completed by December 31. Many members find that by setting up an automated monthly bill pay for their pledge they can be confident that it is attended to while also benefitting the schedules cash flow.
What is Vanco? Vanco is a simple on-line payment processing service and giving app designed for churches and used by St. Paul's to make it easy for you to give when and where you want. One-time and recurring payments (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, or custom) may be setup via a credit card or automatic fund transfer/electronic fund transfer (EFT) from your bank. When using Vanco, bank transfers may avoid the expense of processing fees associated with credit card transactions, and ensure all of your donation amount will go to the church. With Vanco, you can designate your giving to various listed ministry categories, such as Pledge, Food Pantry, Ground Revitalization Fund (GRF), Altar Flowers, or other funds. St. Paul's also uses Vanco for fundraiser sales and tickets to events. A Vanco link is on our home page and also HERE.
What if I can’t fulfill my pledge? Your pledge amount may be changed, increased or decreased during the year, at any time, as your financial circumstances change. Contact the Stewardship Team to make adjustments.
Does St. Paul’s operate within its means? Yes! Each year the Bishop’s Committee adopts a balanced budget, based on the aggregate amount pledged, which is regularly monitored. Timely fulfillment of annual pledges is crucial if we are to sustain the ministries and programs of St. Paul’s.
How does St. Paul’s create its annual budget and can I review it? In order to know what we can do each year, we need to receive pledge commitments on which to develop an annual budget. Decisions about spending are made by our Bishop’s Committee, the church’s governing body whose membership is drawn from and elected by parishioners like you at the Annual Meeting. These leaders are committed to prayerfully considering the needs of the community and the ways God is calling us to serve as they make decisions about the budget. The yearly budget is distributed and presented in detail by the Treasurer at the Annual Parish Meeting held after Sunday services in January. Plan to attend to gain more insight to the financial management of St. Paul’s.
What if I just want to drop cash in the plate? If you are giving cash, help us to ensure your gifts are properly credited to you and acknowledged. Please use the envelopes provided in the pew. We ask that you fill out your complete information on the outside of the envelope for three visits to assure that you are recorded as a regular giver. After that, just writing your name on a pew envelope containing your cash gift will suffice when paying by cash.
Will I receive an accounting of my contributions? The Stewardship/Financial Team at St. Paul’s will send you an accounting of your charitable giving several times through the calendar year, with an Annual Giving Statement sent in January. The default delivery method is via email. You may request it to be sent via US mail. If your contact information or mailing address changes, please contact St. Paul’s to update your information.
Who will know the amount of my pledge? For bookkeeping purposes, the Stewardship lead and the person entering your gifts in our tracking software are the only persons who know the individual amount of pledges. The Priest will know who is actively a pledging member, but does not know the individual amounts.
Who can I talk to about giving and spiritual growth? If you would like to speak to a clergy person, please call the office to make an appointment. Clergy are happy to schedule a phone call or meeting to explore whatever questions you may have about the faith journey, the theology of giving, and other concerns you might have. Pastoral conversations are confidential.
What is St. Paul’s address? 2216 17th St., Bakersfield, CA 93301 St. Paul’s is located in the heart of downtown Bakersfield, on 17th St. between B and C Streets.
What is St. Paul’s IRS Tax Exemption (EIN) Number? 95-1661077
Questions? If you have questions about financial stewardship, your stewardship chair, treasurer and/or clergy are happy to talk with you. Please call for an appointment - (661) 869-1630
WE BELIEVE in a generous God who has lovingly given us all we have and will provide all we need. Our use of his gifts reflects our hearts’ deepest longings. WE COMMIT to reflect God’s own generosity by using the abundant resources he has given us to nourish the ministry of St. Paul’s and serve God’s mission among those with whom we live and work. WE INVITE the people of St. Paul’s to join us, giving joyfully and freely of the abundance God has given, that our lives, our community, and our world may be transformed according to God’s dream for us.
We acknowledge and thank The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS) and Project Resource/College of Bishops for use of their posted information and definitions.